The Choice to Just be Happy

I was sitting in my pondering chair reflecting on some cards and it occurred to me that despite anything going on in our little lives, is it possible to just be happy.

I had to ask the questions – Is it true that happiness is in fact a choice? Or a consequence or result of events and what is going on around us and for us?

You know those moments where you are feeling a little off kilter and your perspective on life, where you are at, what you don’t yet have or haven’t achieved, and why not. All those little issues and problems that live in the back of your mind – the ones where you avoid dealing with them because it is just too much.


And then comes the comparison between your own situation and other peoples. Which in itself is ridiculous because each person has their own unique journey and totally different life experiences, opportunities and support networks.

Yet we continue to allow our peace and our inner happiness to be impacted by the collective benchmarks of what success is and what matters.

This is the effect of losing direction and forgetting what matters. We don’t hold close the values that at our core are what truly matters to us.

I guess we look at the lives of those around us like we do a television screen. We see what we can see but do not have any clue what is behind the set, and what we see is not actually real. And if it was real then that is another’s story anyway.

We also forget that if we were living the exact same story as someone else then this would not be our own truth.. we choose not to see what is in front of us.. the gifts we have now.


How do we change our viewing habits? Perhaps switching the imaginary screen off.

The battle or competition we have is only with ourselves. Which is hilarious really. Society has set standards – and if we look at the track record of society as a whole it’s not that great anyway!!

Sometimes we need to have these moments of displacement in our lives to reroute our direction. To get back to our own journey.

When the unsettling feelings settle into my own energy field I know that it is time to reflect, refute and reframe.

By doing this I relocate that precious gratitude and self acceptance that is my right to own.

Why do we wait for this or that to happen, or be here or there, and only then tell ourselves we will be happy?

Why not be happy along the way? Life is not forever. Each moment is all we have!! So as a general overall perspective- we can choose to be at peace and happy no matter where we are.

I particularly like the visual of the guy trying to balance the pentacles while he is trying to maintain balance of himself on one foot, and the Tower comes in to say “dude – let that shit go! That is not serving you!”

Perhaps it is wise to celebrate the life we do have, the gift of it all. Look at the precious jewels already in our lives and just own who we are which is an amazing beautiful being. Success is a matter of perspective!!


No matter what happens the universe has us. Sometimes it’s best to just drop the useless ego driven desire to be in the same place as everyone else on a superficial level anyway.

Love where you are, who you are, be content with it all. It always changes changes changes anyway!!!

Much love,

Tess xo


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