Why do you give your power away?

This moment right
now is the point at which your power lies. Not yesterday or last year – not tomorrow or next month.
Where you are is where you have the ultimate moment. Why do you give your power away?Card Image: The Magician – Fairy Lights Tarot

I have been pondering this deeply and have understood that when we value and esteem those who truly do not deserve such high regard from us, we in essence diminish our own self perception and self worth .. and thus our power.

Any form of healthy and beneficial relationships both intimate and platonic are a two way system of give and receive. Yet so many people with unhealthy belief systems, and even some who are just caught up in a moment of possibility in terms of what is acceptable, continue to give far more than the person deserves.

We cannot hold on to the ideal of what we have of someone if they repeatedly fail to live up to it. I remember a very beautiful and wise much older female friend once said that you must start as you mean to go on. I found this quite a profound and true statement. The only person who you can force to have integrity and consistency is yourself.

We all have wonderful qualities – but not every person will choose to show their truth. We seem to at times invest in those who probably are not in the same place energetically and spiritually. Perhaps not even on the same point of evolution in terms of growth as we may be. Many people are not willing to give anything more than at the most bare minimum energy and investment because they know their frugal input yields maximum results. This is not a balanced healthy exchange of energy.

When we project our own goodness, standards and qualities on another we are believing naively that every one is like us – with the same levels of consistency, consideration, empathy and love capacity – and this is not how it is in reality.

If someone chooses not to have us in high regard, value us or even think we matter then that is definitely not our issue.. but it IS our issue if we choose to continually give our energy to a person, (this includes mental energy) who does not deserve it or even want it. The problem with doing this is that we allow ourselves to feel emotional anguish unnecessarily, live in that victim mentality at times even, and hold an energetic vibration of lack.

Emotions are complicated things. We feel them – even if we do not want them. I guess they are part of our inbuilt protection mechanism, but we take them to be all there is, instead of intuitively allowing them to guide us in conjunction with our rational thinking capacity.

Our emotions are real, but sometimes those real feelings are triggered by thoughts and beliefs that are not necessarily reality. So when our feelings are guided by faulty thought processes and we do not become aware of this – this is when we begin to sabotage our perception of self worth, self love and validity in the process of giving our precious beautiful energy to those who do not meet us at the same vibration.

I often wonder why it takes so long to learn some lessons. I wonder why we need to experience a repetitive cycle over and over and over again before we start to understand.

Perhaps it is because of maturity. Perhaps it is because of learning to love ourselves. Perhaps it’s because we needed to understand that the way others view us, the way they choose to energetically meet us or not, or do, or do not value us is in FACT not a reflection of our actual value, no matter if it stems from a traumatic or difficult childhood or traumatic relationships and life experiences.

You are not too much. Not too little. Not too loud or too quiet or too open or too shy. You do not need to diminish yourself so others accept you. You have the birth right to be authentically you and stand in your power knowing that who you are is enough and those that cannot meet you are not the people for you.

Listen to that inner guide who tells you to move forward and on. Feel that true gut feeling of just knowing that this is not how it is meant to be.

So I ask, why do you give so much of your time, thoughts, emotions, hopes, dreams, attention- all high currency forms of energy to those who do not hold high or at times any regard for you?

There are approximately 7.8 BILLION humans on earth as of April 2020.


Cut the cords and continue your journey of manifesting the most amazing life you can – with people who match your vibrational frequency in this precious life. You deserve it so so much!
And always, always stand in your power.

Much love,
Tess x

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