Never truly lonely..

For a very long time, 5 years almost 6 to be exact I have been alone. By choice most of it, by universal energy for some of it. I have also been isolated in terms of social interaction for the majority of this time too. So the hullabaloo going on around the globe right now due to the pandemic is not so hard on me.

You learn self sufficiency in terms of how you fill your time, how you interact with others at a distance and how to be comfortable on your own. You also learn that you are not truly alone as the universe supports you and teaches you and believe it or not deeply loves you.

Just lay on some soft grass and feel the loving blades tickle the surface of your skin so gently. Watch animals doing there thing and see that all this is there for us. Gaze at the night sky in awe. Hear the birds singing their song – we have the gift of our senses to take joy in the earth.

These kind of things are ALWAYS around us. They do not decide they don’t want us anymore, they are never too busy to be with us. They don’t lie to us or manipulate us as a means to an end. They are not interested in judging us. Nor do they discriminate against us. All the traits that so many humans have.

Nature is what it is and that is love. It is so easy to get caught up in a moment with another human. But that is all it is – a moment. The beauty of nature is that it is perpetual. Yes seasons come and go, there is birth, death and renewal- but it is consistent in its efforts of love.

The feeling of connection and intimacy with another human is wonderful – it is beautiful – but humans are so inconsistent- we never know what is coming next with people – therefore the present moment is all that truly counts. The universe, the earth is always there to nurture, feed, fill our senses, teach us and love us.

When I do feel lonely on the odd occasion is the time where I must ask myself what is going in inside me right now. What do I need from me to allow me to feel whole again?

There are always moments of need and longing – that is a human trait we are stuck with unfortunately.

They say what is happening to us is a mirror of what is inside us. This can be hard to take sometimes. But this allows us to dig deep and see what we need to learn in order to grow more fully into the authentic and true being of love and light we are meant to be.

Some lessons are hard and we don’t want them. We just long for calm and peace and happy happy. We won’t ever get that calm and happy happy if we keep avoiding the lesson. It will just keep repeating.

When the heart and the head are not in sync we operate from fear and confusion. This is the time to sink back into the universe and allow it to blanket us in love and clarity.

We are always loved. We are always supported. We were designed to feel the feelings we feel in order to grow and become compassionate, complete and beautiful beings.

That is pretty amazing!!

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