Releasing the need to control

There is a certain beauty in surrendering to what is. It is by no means easy all the time. A person gets worn out from constantly fighting against what we want to be different but have no control over.

The thing with us humans is we expect others to see things from our own perspective. To take some steps in our shoes. Life doesn’t generally work that way. Not often anyway.

The thing with establishing boundaries is that people do not like it. It rattles them if they are so used to walking all over you.

Self doubt is detrimental to our growth. It hinders the hard work we put in to owning our truth, our place in the world and our values.

Reflection is key to our success in life. To step back and assess and review. Are we actually living our truth or are we allowing doubt to creep in and sabotage the hard work we have put in to our healing and evolution. .

This is a concept that takes continuous work. What we feed our minds grows. It is so easy to allow tainted material in that we sometimes don’t even realise we are damaging our experience of living a life of meaning, depth and love.

I have spent much of my own life feeding my mind, unknowingly with so much shit that I cannot even begin to comprehend the waste of what could have been such a beautiful life… but then again by shifting my mindset I can easily see that overcoming the inaccurate thinking shows me that its all about perspective. When we do not know any better we often unconsciously create perpetual pain, sorrow and unhappiness. But sometimes we need to go through those things to heal damage and become strong, mature and confident humans.

And human is the key word. Will we lapse and have moments of falling back into that pattern? You bet! Will that be our overall reality? No way!!

People are people, and they live their own experiences. To force our perspective is wasted energy!

The gift of choosing to let go of trying to control what is happening externally is probably one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. To flow with life is just beautiful. When we let go of fighting so much we are given the opportunity to look at life and where we are in such a peaceful and precious way.

And the experience of harmony that follows is just amazing.

Much love,

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