The Angle You Choose to Live From

I have been pondering the value of fear. To me it has never been something I objectively thought about until now. It is not unique to humans – animals feel it too.
It is that self preservation that kicks in to us when we feel threatened.

But is it used as a way of living our life? Most definitely. And what a shit way to live!! There are several cards in the tarot that show us fear and the implication it has for us.

Some examples of fear showing up in the tarot can be seen in The Tower, The Moon, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles just to name a few.

Tarot Illuminati by E.C Dunne

Fear to look. Fear to decide. Fear through our egos and fear of letting go. Fear of uncertainty. Fear of feeling. Fear of emotion. Fear of the unknown. Fear of helping ourselves and even fear of doing what is right for our own journey. We are so intent on protecting ourselves we make choices that bind us and subconsciously hold us back!

Fear is our warning signal that something is not right – yet we can become so sensitive to it that it becomes more than an assessment of safety versus danger.

When we live our life from a place of fear we miss out on that law of attraction working for us.

We are scared to move figuratively because we do not want to experience pain or repeat what has hurt us – and this is opposed to a place of love where we live our life based on moving towards the beautiful parts of life that we want and deserve. Thus emitting the vibration for receiving OR attracting what we desire.

There is a line from one of my favourite films ever (Strictly Ballroom) – this line is actually the theme of the storyline – “A life lived in fear is a life half lived”

You know what? Upon pondering fear and it’s central role in the way so many of us live our lives I have realised that we miss out on so much! How many regrets do people have for the chances they did not take or the losses they experienced of beautiful lessons, relationships and growth through approaching life from a place of fear?

I am grateful for the lessons I continue to learn on my path. When it all boils down to it we have a choice- feel the fear and do it anyway or live half a life!

Much love,

Tess x

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