The benefits of behavioural awareness: 9 of Wands, 9 of Swords, The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician.

You know, it’s easy to know stuff. Very easy. It’s not so easy to put it into practice. This is how powerful our negative talk and ego is. I like to call this our irrational side. The part of us that still carries trauma wounds, faulty learned patterns and behaviours that we cling to when we face fear or uncertainty.We think we can control the outcome by clinging to that primal part of ourselves that reverts to caveman brain when we feel we are losing charge of a situation. We have our defences up because we feel like we’ve been here before.. it’s all going to happen again just the same and we feel weary. When all we are really doing is setting ourselves up to manifest exactly what we are afraid of.

The repetitive cycles we may find ourselves in are definitely because of what we transmit to the universe. There is no doubt about that.We are 100 percent human all the time, so we are not ever going to get it right 100 percent of the time. Owning that is big growth.

Recognising when we are not being our authentic self due to fear and anxiety means we can self reflect and work on yet another part of ourselves that carries wounding.Every situation in life we face is different. It is our response that is usually the same!

We can tend to, nurture and hold space for that injured part of ourselves so we can move forward in this moment with a sense of not only understanding, clarity and peace – but with a change to our behaviours and responses when we are triggered by those insecurities that we have no actual basis for holding in this moment right now.

Each time we do this we are learning a new set of skills. Each time we do this we are recognising the irrationality of that big ego voice which tells us ‘danger’ when there is no danger whatsoever. To be strong enough to confront the faulty thought patterns and look at how we are holding on to what does not align with where we want to go in terms of experiences is a wonderful thing.

The most lies we tell are to ourselves. We cannot control others, our experiences and oftentimes ourselves! And that is okay. But we can control how we choose to grow, learn and evolve though and that is an amazing gift.

We as humans love to feel we have some sense of control. Let’s use that to benefit our experience and what we put out to the universe! The magic we each hold is abundant. We just need to remember that!Much love,Tess

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